We are revamping our programs and hope to have them resume soon. Please contact our office at (540) 366-9481 for more information.

On Sunday September 11, Adult Sunday school resumed meeting every Sunday at 9:30 am. We hope you can join us for this opportunity to learn, have fellowship, and lively conversation centered around God’s Word.

Adult and children’s Sunday School are at the heart of our education ministry.

As we work through reopening various programs that have been on hold for the past 18 months or so, we are mindful of doing so with the health and safety of our leaders, staff, congregation, and community in mind. At this time we are only offering Adult Sunday School classes, but hope to expand our offerings as time goes by. Our goal is to return to the programs listed below.

Elementary Class (Pre k-5th grade) Focus is given on the Gospel message for the day and includes crafts and other activities related to this message.

Confirmation Class (6th-9th grade) Study centers around the Old and New Testaments, the Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, and Martin Luther’s life and beliefs.

Adult Class focuses on Bible study and current topics. Some classes follow the ELCA lectionary, at times augmented with a movie and always discussion.
