We are a loving, learning, witnessing community in response to the love of Christ.

Adult Sunday School begins at 9:30 am

Worship Service: 11:00 am

Call our office at (540) 366-9481 to find out what additional programs will be starting back soon!

We are a congregation of God’s chosen people who, by His love for us, gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive our sins and free us for enriched life.

As disciples of Jesus, we worship and serve Him, and seek to be renewed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are to build God’s Kingdom through personal dedication to learning and following the Word, loving one another, and witnessing His love to our family, neighbors and community.

What we believe

Our faith tradition is based on a life-transforming story.  It is a story of a powerful and patient God who has boundless love for all people of the world, who brings justice for the oppressed.  It’s a story of Jesus Christ, changing lives.  It’s a story that brings comfort and strength to people who today live in modern, often unsettling times.

We believe in the Triune God.  God created and loves all of creation — the earth, the seas and all the world’s inhabitants.  We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God’s spirit is active in the world .

We are part of God’s unfolding plan.  When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere.  When we study the Bible or hear God’s Word in worship, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story.  

(taken from www.elca.org)

Trinity is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and one of the nearly 10,000 congregations across the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with a church-wide organization in Chicago and 65 synods throughout the country. Synods work to support, connect, and guide the leaders and ministries of congregations. They work together to achieve goals on a scale and scope that could not be done otherwise.

Together, we are a church that is deeply rooted and always being made new. We strive for strong, vibrant congregational ministries that are relevant to our ever-changing neighborhoods and world, actively engaged in God’s mission. Whether a congregation is new or has a long, rich history, these ministries are places within our communities where God is at work building the church.

The blessing of ELCA congregations and synods working together is that we are able to draw upon a wealth of leaders, resources, networks, support, ideas, experiences, diverse perspectives and diverse communities for doing God’s work in the world.